Why Teeth Can Shift Back After Braces: Understanding Orthodontic Retreatment

Blogs Why Teeth Can Shift Back After Braces: Understanding Orthodontic Retreatment Introduction Many people think that getting rid of the braces is one of the highest points during an Orthodontics treatment in Kerala, but certain people find their teeth gradually moving back into their original positions. This phenomenon is known as orthodontic relapse, and it can be quite frustrating to keep having to get retreatment. The understanding of the process taking place behind teeth shifting after removal of braces would help in preventing this and in maintaining a healthy, aligned smile Reasons for post-braces teeth shifting These retainer reasons contribute significantly to the shifting of teeth after braces. Teeth can be retained after the use of braces by wearing the retainer. If it is not used consistently, teeth will slowly move back to the positions they were in before treatment. This is very common within the first initial months after the braces have been removed since teeth have quite recently begun to get used to the new alignment. Just as other factors, aging can also affect the position of teeth. Even in the slowest possible way, changes that occur within our jaws and gum tissues will really shift teeth to new positions considering the fact that as we age, those changes naturally occur within us. The name of this process is mesial drift, which is about the gradual movement of teeth toward the occlusion to the mouth front and possible even after orthodontic treatment. Oral habits also include tongue thrusting, nail-biting, chewing on things, and many others that can exert different forces on the teeth and cause movement over time, undoing what braces do. All of the above can also be caused by changes in the structure of the jaws and bones. For instance, jawbones and ligaments are never stationary; they always change with time. Subtle changes occur, perhaps as a natural consequence of adaptation-without a retainer-theoretically resulting in teeth to develop some shifts. Finally, though, any problem in health or in the bone supporting your gum, whether periodontitis or bone deficiency around your teeth, can weaken the basis that would keep the teeth fixed and make them shift or mal-align. If you’re experiencing these issues in Kerala, consider Re-treatment in orthodontics Kerala to restore your smile and achieve long-lasting results. Keeping Teeth in Place In order to keep teeth from drifting, your retainer must be worn as prescribed. Orthodontists recommend a beginning full-time use of a retainer, later to change to a nighttime use only. Henceforth, schedule adherence is mandatory for continuous alignment. This should also be bolstered by very good oral hygiene since maintaining teeth and gums reduces the probability of periodontal problems, which destabilize teeth and induce drifting. Correcting some oral habits is another major preventive measure. It is helpful to visit your dentist or orthodontist to determine habits that can be corrected, thus preventing problems in the future. Regular oral checks will also be important in terms of early detection of shifting and prompt intervention. Orthodontic Retreatment Options If you are not satisfied with your previous orthodontic treatment, re-treatment in orthodontics Kochi is possible without further extraction of teeth. This can be achieved by moving the posterior (back) teeth distally (back) to create space, allowing the protruded front teeth to be brought into proper alignment. Treatments like these are available at Vallamattam Advanced Orthodontics in Kochi, where expert orthodontists use state-of-the-art methods to address such issues and provide personalized care. Conclusion Shifting teeth after braces is really sad to see but it is explainable and preventable phenomena thus may have more than just a few reasons that cause the same thing but by understanding the reason and developing a pattern of lifestyle that includes regular wearing of the retainers and maintaining good oral hygiene, people can keep their beautiful smile from fading. Shifting teeth might occur, and in such cases, you will have to go to your orthodontist for the available options for retreatment so that the alignment of the teeth would be restored.

Why Teeth Can Shift Back After Braces: Understanding Orthodontic Retreatment Read More »